Stupid is as stupid does

Momma always said, "Stupid is as stupid does."
I think this may be one of the most profound statements ever made by a fictional character (from the movie, not Winston Groom's novel). The more I ponder on "Momma's" saying, the more true it becomes for me. I've seen a bus load of stupid lately, and I have to tell you, stupid is as stupid does, and there is a lot of stupid being done.
Stupid is...
When people seek their own gain at the detriment of another.
Stupid is...
the very notion that worth is based on the pigmentation of one's skin.
Stupid is...
when one person believes he or she is right, yet has never thought about why he or she is right.
Stupid is...
a crowd of people moving in one direction simply because they are the crowd.
Stupid is...
putting a gun in the hands of an angry idealist.
Stupid is...
practicing violence in the name of God.
Stupid is...
not loving your neighbor because of their choices.
Stupid is...
not listening.
Stupid is...
a lot of what goes on around us everyday, but we claim it as right and good though we know it is wrong.
Stupid is...
as Stupid does.
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