Why am I still a Baptist?
It's a question I've been asking myself a lot lately. I've been teaching our folks on Wednesday nights what it means to be a Baptist, and it's not that I disagree with what it is to be a Baptist--far from it. I suppose what I'm struggling with is what being a Baptist actually looks like. Perhaps it would help to explain how I came to be a Baptist before I dive into my own conflict with the branding placed on my faith in Christ. --- I wasn't raised Baptist; to be fair, I wasn't raised anything. Sure, I grew up in the Bible Belt, and in the earliest years (ages 0-3, 1984-1987) of my life my dad's family all went to church together at a rural, Southern Baptist Church, but there isn't a single, full memory I have of ever going to church with my family. In fact, I didn't really begin regularly attending church until the summer after I graduated high school, a time when I was in desperate need of direction and community. I attended a Baptist church ...