"The Celebration Cup" (i.e. Fast Food Communion)

Today I went to a certain Christian bookstore to pick up some communion wafers (yes, wafers. NOT those little chick-let-Jesus-crackers), and they were giving away free samples of "The Celebration Cup." I've heard rumors that these sort of things existed, so I thought I'd take one and check it out. I have to say, it makes me hate those little plastic cups we Baptists use even more!

So here's the thing itself, unopened. Note the card listing the ingredients.

The body of Christ broken for you...?

The bubbles are real--as is the gross, brownish color.

And here's the whole thing disassembled (?). Am I wrong for being somewhat grossed out?

I realize that I may be a wee bit more sacramentally inclined than many Baptists, but I think this is taking things too far. Should communion be "made easy"? After all, aren't we remembering/reflecting/celebrating/experiencing the crucifixion and death of the Son of God when we gather around the Lord's table? How does this sterilized package create a shared experience with the gathered people of God? 
I'm sure this product was created with the intent of being mega-church friendly, or perhaps for those congregations that need the whole process to be streamlined for easy storage, service, etc., and I don't blame a company or organization that is trying to accommodate perceived needs in a select number of congregations. I just can't get over how un-sacred this seems. 
It's a far cry from the cup Christ passed in the upper room, a far cry from the common cup of Catholicism, and it's just a further step away from the ancient practices of the Church towards the convenience of the 21st century, Western, individualized lifestyle. 


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