The Church Needs Women...In Leadership
Why the Church needs Women…especially in leadership.
(This is in response to Rachel Held
Evans’ call to respond to John Piper’s words.)
So it’s been popular lately for certain evangelical “celebrities”
to go on the offensive with their so-called “masculine” approach to
Christianity. They claim that God intended the Church to have a “masculine feel.”
They claim that Scripture clearly teaches
that men—and only men—should hold positions of leadership within the Church, that
wives should submit to their husbands, and those men should submit to the men
who lead their congregations (often without question), and then those men are
ultimately submissive to God (who is of course the biggest man, who can bench
press two city buses while chewing tobacco and kicking someone’s @$$ with his
tatted leg).
While there are an overwhelming number of people who support
this point of view, I have to be honest, I can’t stand it! While those who tout
this point of view and spout a handful of proof texts to back them up, I feel
like it ignores a great deal of what Scripture teaches us. We need women in the
Church. We need women in leadership in the Church. We need to realize that this
isn’t merely the product of twentieth century egalitarianism—there is biblical
precedent. In order to prove my point, I thought I’d highlight a few women from
Scripture for whose roles as leaders I am thankful.
Let’s start with Deborah. Now, if you have to ask, “Who’s
Deborah?” read Judges 4-5. Deborah judged Israel; that means she was the leader
of the people of God. Unlike many of the other judges listed in Scripture,
Deborah was wise, selfless, and actively involved in the affairs of Israel (as
opposed to her own ambitions). Deborah is the beginning of what I see as a sort
of pattern in Scripture: when men fail at being leaders, women are often
empowered by God, not only to fill the void, but to show how it ought to be
Just look at the story of Ruth and Naomi. Ruth has such love
and devotion for her mother-in-law Naomi that she refuses to leave her alone in
order to seek her own security (sounds like something Jesus might have
applauded, yes?). It’s through her faithfulness and determination that the line
of David (and thus Jesus) came into existence.
Of course, the New Testament is filled with women who are
given wonderful roles in leadership. In Romans 16, Paul mentions Phoebe (a
deacon of the church at Cenchreae and leader in the church), Prisca/Priscilla (a
co-laborer with Paul in his work), and Junia/Julia (who is regarded as
prominent among the apostles) just to name three.
Then there’s the story of Lydia in Acts 16. Lydia was a seller
of purple near Philippi. After her conversion and the baptism of her household,
she invites Paul and his companions to stay with her in her home. It’s possible
Lydia had a hand in starting the church of Paul’s beloved Philippians, as she
was one of the first believers in the region converted under Paul’s ministry.
My final example is Mary, the mother of Jesus. If you think
women should serve no role in leadership in the Church, you have obviously
overlooked Mary. Without Mary’s faithfulness to carry the Son of God, without her
faithful example (which left such a profound mark on Luke and his gospel), who
knows in what shape the early Church would have found itself.
The Church needs women…especially in leadership. The people
of God have always needed women. When I reflect on my own life, it hasn’t exclusively
been the macho, rugged men of faith who have left their mark on my faith. In
fact, the person I often credit with shaping my faith most is a woman—my grandmother,
Rosie Orene Thomas. Without her faithful, loving, earthy, example of what we
are supposed to be as people created in the image of God, I can only imagine
what my life and my faith may be like.
May those of us who hold up the biblical example of women in
leadership step up and begin to balance the scales. May we hold up those women
in positions of leadership who are sharing the gospel of hope, love, and
equality with a hopeless, hate-filled, and unjust world. Let us applaud their
faithfulness, because the Church needs women…especially women in leadership.
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